Sunday, May 31, 2015

WIP Fan Art

A rough sketch plus a little reference refinement to a painted piece that I will be hammering away at this week.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Aloe the Imp: Flat Inks Concept Piece

After years of constant changes in story, here is an initial ink drawing of my imp character, now named Aloe. She is a bit under dressed to show how imps are generally constructed in build, but Aloe here is also a bit more influenced by human posture a bit more than the fused lizard/ equine/ rodent influences that birthed how imps will look. *Have to keep the main character a bit more relate-able to the reader after all.*
I also did away with visible ears that every piece had up to now because they caused nothing but generic looking goblins and hair design issues. Weird fleshy lizard frills and random horns all the way!

Fun fact: This lone drawing doesn't show it, but she is actually a bit taller than the average imp, because why not.

I will post more about my webcomic here and on tumblr as I finalize more designs.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Ferret Doodle

A quick watercolor and ink drawing of a ferret as a style  test for a story that I have started working on again.